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文学院 & 信资金 Opportunities

资金 Opportunities for RESEARCH生 Studies

American Association of University 女性 (AAUW)

AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication. Open to applicants in all fields of study.

国际 Fellowships 在美国进行全日制学习或RESEARCH的Awards学金授予非美国国籍的女性.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.

Deadline: 15 November

Association of American 大学 and Universities K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award

K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students in terminal degree programs (Ph.D. 和M.F.A)表现出模范承诺的未来高等教育的领导者,并致力于在公平领域的学术创新, community engagement, and teaching and learning. Requires nomination from a faculty member.

夏洛特W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

夏洛特W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships 旨在鼓励在人文和社会科学的所有领域对伦理或宗教价值进行原创和重要的RESEARCH, and particularly to help Ph.D. 在这些领域的候选人及时完成他们的论文工作. 除了宗教RESEARCH或伦理学(哲学或宗教)的主题之外, 适合纽科姆Awards学金竞赛的论文可能会探讨外交政策的伦理含义, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature.

Deadline: mid-November, date varies by year

Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship

Predoctoral fellowships 将在由国家科学院管理的全国竞赛中获Awards, 工程, 和Medicine on behalf of the Ford Foundation. 的 awards will be made to individuals who, in the judgment of the review panels, have demonstrated superior academic achievement, 致力于在美国的学院或大学从事教学和RESEARCH工作.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, 并做好充分准备,利用多样性作为丰富所有学生教育的Resources. [N.B. 尽管由谁来选择,这些Awards项对各个领域的学生都是开放的.]

的 Hayek Fund for Scholars

的 Hayek Fund for Scholars 通过资助广泛的RESEARCH和职业发展活动,支持在社会科学和人文学科范围内RESEARCH和教授古典自由主义传统思想的学生和教师. 从支付博士申请费用到会议演讲旅行*,再到购买关键数据集, this unique fund helps cover an extensive array of expenses.

Humane Studies Fellowship

的 Humane Studies Fellowship (HSF) 是无居住权的, renewable award of up to $15,每年为已注册或计划注册全日制博士课程的学生提供6万美元的资助.

雅各K. Javits Fellowships Program

雅各K. Javits Fellowships Program 为学术能力优异的学生提供Awards学金,并根据表现优异的成绩选拔, 财务需要, 并承诺在选定的艺术领域攻读美术博士和硕士学位, 人文学科, and social sciences.

National Institute of Social Sciences Awards助金

的 National Institute of Social Sciences 为社会科学领域的学生提供论文资助和旅行资助. At least as of 2023, 他们有一个特定的论文资助领域列表,不包括国际RESEARCH或犯罪学. 然而, 他们还说“包括这些领域中的一个或多个作为主要组成部分的跨学科项目也可以被考虑。.“请注意,论文资助是一个有限的提交计划, 这意味着来自ODU的申请人数量有限. If you wish to apply, please notify limitedsubmissions@ant-cctv.com 提前做好准备. 如果有两个以上的学生希望申请,将会有一个内部竞争来选择提名者.

保罗 & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

保罗 & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans 为世世代代的移民和难民对美国的贡献感到自豪.

的 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program (SIFP)

的 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program 提供独立的RESEARCH或RESEARCH与史密森尼收藏的机会, 设施, and/or research interests of the Institution and its staff. Fellowships are offered to graduate students, predoctoral students, 博士后和高级RESEARCH人员进行独立RESEARCH,并利用史密森尼学会的Resources,史密森尼学会的专业RESEARCH人员担任顾问和主持人. 这些Awards学金是通过史密森学会Awards学金和实习办公室提供的, and are administered under the charter of the Institution, 20 U.S. Code section 41 et seq.

Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Scholars Program

超过三分之一的美国大学生是有色人种. 但是,少数种族和少数民族只占大学教师的一小部分. 在全国范围内, about 5 percent of faculty are African-American, 大约3%是西班牙裔,大约1%是美洲原住民. 的 SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program is working to change that. 的 program offers fellowships and other forms of support. It has a STEM focus but an ODU Ph.D. student in English did receive funding.

Virginia Sea Grant RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Fellowships

的目的 VASG RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Fellowship 是支持杰出的RESEARCH生从事教育和RESEARCH,进一步VASG的目标. 该Awards学金提供通过专业导师将RESEARCH成果转化为沿海和海洋利益相关者的实践经验. 入选的RESEARCH员也有机会参加VASG提供的全面的专业发展培训机会.

RESEARCH生RESEARCH员解决与弗吉尼亚Community有关的问题, 并且对沿海和海洋Resources具有重要意义-广义的定义(e).g., natural or social sciences, engineering and design, policy and legal analysis, 体系结构, 业务, 教育, arts and 人文学科, 等.). In addition to their primary faculty advisor, RESEARCH员将与专业的最终用户导师一起工作. Through these interactions, RESEARCH员将确保他们的RESEARCH成果对利益相关者有用并被他们使用, 并获得经验丰富的专业人士,他们可以提供职业建议.

WW 女性's Studies Dissertation Fellowships

WW 女性's Studies Dissertation Fellowships 鼓励跨学科的About女性的原创和重要RESEARCH, 区域, or cultural boundaries. 往届RESEARCH员曾探讨过穆斯林妇女的跨国宗教教育等主题, the complex gender dynamics of transidentity management, 妇女在种族和制度背景下的选举成功, 女人的运动, militarism and the 教育 of American women, 以及家庭责任和女性工作流动性之间的关系.


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